Reynolds Kitchens Plastic Coated Freezer Paper

75 sq ft


SKU: 13651 Category:


Reynolds Kitchens™ Freezer Paper Plastic Coated.

Great for freezing meat.

16 2/3 yds. x 18 in.

6.96 m2 / 15.2 m x 457 mm.

75 sq. ft.


why we love ReynoldsKitchens® Plastic Coated Freezer Paper!•
Fold: Center food on the SHINY SIDE, leaving wide margins around it for
folding. Bring up two sides over the food and fold them down together in
a 1-inch fold. • Wrap: Continue folding in narrow folds until the paper
is WRAPPED TIGHT against the food. • Seal: Turn the package over and
PRESS OUT THE AIR. Then fold the ends toward the food until the package
is tight. Seal with freezer tape, and store it ‘til you cook it! Write
the date and what’s inside on the DULL SIDE so you know what you’re
keeping nice and fresh. More Reasons we love ReynoldsKitchens® Plastic
Coated Freezer Paper• Arts and Crafts-Feed your creative spirit: Use for
sketching, drawing, and painting, or making banners for school events
and get-togethers. • Quilt Appliqués-Draw out a stencil on the freezer
paper, pin to fabric, cut, and press—a super easy way for crafters to
create quilt appliqués. • Everyday, Everywhere-Keep your house
mess-free—line shelves, drawers, and counters or lay down to protect
work surfaces. Recommended Freezer Storage Chart for Product Quality•
Beef…6 to 12 months • Ground Meats…3 to 4 months • Fresh Pork…3 to 6
months • Sausage…1 month • Frankfurters…½ to 1 month • Chicken…9 to 12
months • Turkey, Whole…6 to 12 months • Fish, Lean…3 to 6 months •
Veal…3 to 4 months • Lamb…4 to 6 months • Duck, Goose, Whole…5 to 6
months • Venison and Game…6 months


CAUTION: Cutting edge is sharp. Avoid contact. Paper not intended for cooking. Do not use in a conventional oven.

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